How to Work with DeafBlind People (past)
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How to Work with DeafBlind People
Instructor: Kevin Richmond
Sunday 11/21/21
NTID Student Development Center
830am - 1pm (30 minute lunch break)
0.4 PS CEUs
Free for GVR & CNY Members
$10 for Non-Members
Target Audience: Interpreters who wish to further develop their knowledge and skills when working with DeafBlind consumers.
Description: When you get an interpreting job request and the request explains that a consumer is DeafBlind and will you accept the job? Why or why not? Kevin is DeafBlind and a Deaf interpreter. Kevin will share his experiences on interpreting for DeafBlind consumers. Kevin’s goal is the bridge between the DeafBlind community and Interpreter community to be connected without any potholes on it. It’s a safe space and open discussion workshop to help all of us to learn and see out of the box to become better interpreters to work with the DeafBlind consumers. Kevin will teach important terms, cultures, new tools for interpreting, and hand-on activities such as Co-Navigator (CN) and ProTactile (PT).